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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  pronator 6 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #4471

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    Every person in the raid MUST be aware of the position of Sartura and her adds at all times. If you see one spinning towards you, run immediately. You cannot outrun the blender without a movement speed ability, the only thing that will save you is PAYING ATTENTION. If you cannot escape – it’s time to pop [limited invulnerability potion].

    This addon will show you stun D/R’s as well as stun duration. I highly recommend picking it up.
    (link coming soon™)

    Sartura’s Royal Guards:
    2 Tanks on each add + 2 healers assigned to each tank

    -Sartura’s Royal Guards perform a punt attack, tanking the add being burned near a wall may help

    -Do not wait for threat, burn the kill target as hard as possible. When an add does die, the tanks assigned to that add stand between satura / the remaining adds and the rest of the raid, ready to pick them up if they get loose.

    -Can be stunned while spinning but will not stop the whirlwind attack, only prevents them from running wild. Detect Magic will also reveal the whirlwind buff.

    -Adds threat table becomes disabled during whirlwind, (5 second duration) during that time they will chase a random person in the raid. After the 5 seconds of whirlwind, they will return to the player highest on their threat table – that’s where the warlock or hunter comes into play.

    -Possibly assign 1 hunter to each tank to attempt to wrangle the add if it gets loose via distracting shot etc. (keeping serpent sting up on your assigned add is something i recall – yes it sounds stupid). A warlock keeping them fully dotted can also fill this role.

    2 tanks + 4 healers tanked at back of room
    – If you have timer for whirlwind, taunting just before she uses it should cause her to stick on you for the duration of taunt.
    -Having a warlock standing nearby the satura tanks keeping full dots on her should force her to chase that warlock whenever her spin ends, just be sure to drag satura back through the tanks so they can pick her back up

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