In-Depth Guide to ZG Enchants
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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by pronator 6 years, 9 months ago.
May 22, 2018 at 5:37 pm #4472
*Original Post created by Malarr – January 20, 2016
This will be a fairly lengthy post that outlines the details of all the soon-to-be available Zul’Gurub Enchants.Many of you may be aware of the Primal Hakkari Idol and that using this and your Class Voodoo Doll would be handed in for your enchant. This was NOT the case prior to patch 1.11. Nostalrius, at first, was going the Hakkari Idol route, which would have made things fairly simple. However, due to this post in the BugTracker, it is now AIDS. Below will explain what is going to happen instead.
FIRST OFF. You have to be at least FRIENDLY with the Zandalar Tribe to be able to hand-in the quest for the enchant.
These enchants are for your Head and Leg slot items.Here is a list of the class enchants, their required items, and the bonuses they provide:
Druids: Animist’s Caress
Components: Arcanum of Protection, Punctured Voodoo Doll, Primal Hakkari Bindings
Effect: +10 to Stamina, +10 to Intelligence, +24 to Healing EffectsWarriors: Presence of Might
Components: Arcanum of Protection, Punctured Voodoo Doll, Primal Hakkari Aegis
Effect: +10 to Stamina, +7 to Defense, +15 to Shield BlockRogues: Death’s Embrace
Components: Arcanum of Rapidity, Punctured Voodoo Doll, Primal Hakkari Kossack
Effect: +28 to Attack Power, +1% to DodgeHunters: Falcon’s Call
Components: Arcanum of Rapidity, Punctured Voodoo Doll, Primal Hakkari Stanchion
Effect: +24 Ranged Attack, +10 to Stamina, +1% to HitPaladins: Syncretist’s Sigil
Components: Arcanum of Protection, Voo Doo Doll, Primal Hakkari Shawl
Effect: +10 to Stamina, +7 to Defense, +24 to HealingPriests: Prophetic Aura
Components: Arcanum of Focus, Punctured Voodoo Doll, Primal Hakkari Tabard
Effect: +10 to Stamina, +4 Mana/5 Seconds, +24 to HealingMages: Presence of Sight
Components: Arcanum of Focus, Punctured Voodoo Doll, Primal Hakkari Girdle
Effect: +18 to Healing/Damage with Spells, +1% to HitShamans: Vodouisant’s Vigilant Embrace
Components: Arcanum of Focus, Punctured Voodoo Doll, Primal Hakkari Sash
Effect: +15 to Intelligence, +13 to Healing/Damage with SpellsWarlocks: Hoodoo Hex
Components: Arcanum of Focus, Punctured Voodoo Doll, Primal Hakkari Armsplint
Effect: +10 to Stamina, +18 to Healing/Damage with SpellsI clicked on the Primal Hakkari item I needed for my enchant, but it says 3 other classes that aren’t what I am. What’s up with that?
Yeah, Blizzard made it a pain in the ass in that regard. None of the items you need for your enchant, are actually listed on the item to be for your class. Because in addition to the gear that drops in the instance, there is a ZG “set”. To get this set, you hand-in certain pieces. Like for myself, a priest, I would need a Primal Hakkari Sash, Aegis, and Stanchion to get my 3 pieces of ZG set gear. Which means to get my set, I would have to deny a Warrior, a Shaman and a Hunter his head or leg enchant.
So where do these Primal Hakkari Items drop?
There are 7 Bosses in Zul’Gurub that have a “CHANCE” to drop a Primal Hakkari item. Certain bosses such as Jin’do and Bloodlord have a higher chance of dropping the rarer of them.
The 7 Bosses are:
High Priest Thekal – “Tiger Boss” –
High Priestess Mar’li – “Spider Boss” –
High Priest Venoxis – “Snake Boss” –
High Priestess Jeklik – “Bat Boss” –
High Priestess Arlokk – “Panther Boss” –
Bloodlord Mandokir – “Raptor Boss” –
Jin’do the Hexxer – “KILL THE SHADES BOSS” – Next?
Your doll.
The dolls drop from Jinxed Hoodoo Piles in Zul’Gurub. They do not bind and can be freely traded. However, they ARE Unique.
Jinxed Hoodoo Pile – is a nifty map I found, outlining the locations of the piles.
So Hakkari Piece, Doll. How do I get my Arcanum?
Sure thing. Each enchant is used on either a head or leg piece. So most classes need 2 total enchants. However, Rogues, Hunters and Fury Warriors have a special requirement which will be covered later, as they require extra Arcanum’s due to AQ40.
I am a Warrior or Druid!
You need an Arcanum of Protection to make your enchant.
What is needed to make an Arcanum of Protection is the following: (quick link: Libram of Protection
1x Pristine Black Diamond
2x Large Brilliant Shard
1x Frayed Abomination StitchingWhere do I get these things?
Libram of Protection: random drop from things in Dire Maul. Easiest method is of course, the Auction House.
Pristine Black Diamond: drop generally from level 55+ elites and instances such as Stratholme, Scholomance, UBRS, LBRS or Dire Maul. Also Auction House.
Large Brilliant Shard: Disenchanting or Auction House.
Frayed Abomination Stitching: 100% Drop from Ramstein the Gorger in Stratholme Undead side (
A chance drop from:
Patchwerk Horror (
Bile Spewer (
Venom Belcher (
All of which are in Undead Stratholme.I am a Rogue or Hunter!
You need an Arcanum of Rapidity to make your enchant.
What is needed to make an Arcanum of Rapidity is the following: (quick link: Libram of Rapidity
1x Pristine Black Diamond
2x Large Brilliant Shard
2x Blood of HeroesWhere do I get these things?
Libram of Rapidity: random drop from things in Dire Maul. Easiest method is of course, the Auction House.
Pristine Black Diamond drop generally from level 55+ elites and instances such as Stratholme, Scholomance, UBRS, LBRS or Dire Maul. Also Auction House.
Large Brilliant Shard: Disenchanting or Auction House.
Blood of Heroes: These are found in Blood Pools and the pools have a 2 hour respawn timer. They are found in Western Plaguelands and Eastern Plaguelands. They are fairly uncommon. However, when you find one, beware. They spawn 0-3 level 58-59 elite Fallen Heroes ( You may think you can solo them, but you’d be wrong. They hit extremely hard, have a lot of health, and do a 1 minute duration Incapacitating Shout that lowers movement speed by 70%. Best idea is to do it as a group, or to vanish, or Feign Death, get naked, and die. Finding these can be time consuming, offering a few gold pieces in general can go a long way as many classes do not find them useful and could use the gold.Here is the standard map for Blood of Heroes(2 hour respawn timer):
I am a Warlock, Mage, Priest, or Shaman!
You need an Arcanum of Focus to make your enchant.
What is needed to make an Arcanum of Focus is the following: (quick link: Libram of Focus
1x Pristine Black Diamond
4x Large Brilliant Shard
2x Skin of ShadowWhere do I get these things?
Libram of Focus: random drop from things in Dire Maul. Easiest method is of course, the Auction House.
Pristine Black Diamond: drop generally from level 55+ elites and instances such as Stratholme, Scholomance, UBRS, LBRS or Dire Maul. Also Auction House.
Large Brilliant Shard: Disenchanting or Auction House.
Skin of Shadow: These are only found in Scholomance.
There is ONE located in a chest behind Lady Illucia Barov which is near the end of the instance. They also have a chance to drop from:
Lorekeeper Polkelt (
Instructor Malicia (
The Ravenian (
Risen Bonewarders ( – In Lady Illucia Barov’s room.
Lady Illucia Barov (
Risen Construct ( – In the room with Rattlegore.
The best way to farm Skins of Shadow is to farm them from Risen Constructs. They have a high drop rate, and are fairly easy to get to. A solid group could do a run in about 20 minutes.Where do I go after I have everything for my Arcanum?
The Dire Maul Library. First, make sure you have completed the Elven Legends quest( Sage Korolusk starts and ends the quest. (
You have to hand it in to Lorekeeper Lydros ( The easiest way to get to him is to first, have the Crescent Key, then go into DM North with a Priest, have him Mind Soothe the one mob, then go down the ramp, and through the tall doors. Keep going down the tunnel, and the Lorekeeper will be in front of you. He has a cool spinning helm on his head. This is where you handin the Librams for Protection, Focus and Rapidity.
OKAY! I’ve got everything, what now?
Hand-In Time! You have everything you need for your Head/Leg enchant. You MUST be at least FRIENDLY with the Zandalar Tribe in order to hand-in your materials and receive your enchant.
Zanza the Restless (, is the NPC to hand-in your items. He is located on top of a pyramid. It is located directly behind The Venom Pit.Here is a video of someone soloing to the area:
Fury Warriors, Rogues and Hunters(Nature Resist enchants):
I have made a thread regarding your need to be Nature Resistance(NR) capped in AQ40. A link to this thread is here: your head/legs, you will notice an enchant called “Savage Guard”. This enchant provides an additional 10NR to head or leg slot items. This enchant is obtained within ZG. You must be at least HONORED with the Zandalar Tribe to receive a Savage Guard enchant.
Unlike your class specific enchants posted above, you can use any of the three Arcanums to get a Savage Guard enchant.
What does that mean?
Basically, all you need to do to get the Savage Guard enchant, is handin either an Arcanum of Rapidity, an Arcanum of Protection, or an Arcanum of Focus, to Zanza the Restless in ZG. That’s it. You will need to do this 2 times to get both enchants.
Quick Links to Quests: (Focus) (Protection) (Rapidity)So basically, you have to get 2x what everyone else needs. That’s what you get for being able to save your buffs when everyone else wipes. Or getting every weapon possible and calling all of them BIS. <3
There are also 3 Types of SHOULDER enchants when you are EXALTED with the Zandalar Tribe.
They require 15x Zandalar Honor Token to obtain.
Zandalar Signet of Serenity: Permanently adds to a shoulder slot item increased healing done by spells and effects up to 33.
Zandalar Signet of Mojo: Permanently adds to a shoulder slot item increased damage and healing done by magical spells and effects up to 18.
Zandalar Signet of Might: Permanently adds 30 attack power to a shoulder slot item.
There are 2 Ways of Obtaining Zandalar Honor Tokens:
1. Breaking a Bijou of Any Color at the Zandalar Altar on the Zandalari Island in STV.
2. Handing in 3 coins of a specific set.
The 3 sets of coins are:Zulian Coin, Razzashi Coin, and Hakkari Coin Coin, Skullsplitter Coin, and Bloodscalp Coin Coin, Vilebranch Coin, and Witherbark Coin -
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