Dwops Guide to Rogue DPS


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    *Original Post by Dwops on October 26, 2016
    Hey guys,

    Since it seems like every private server has its own quirks/mechanics that are different from retail/other private servers, I thought I would share some of the things that I have found work best for me on this server. I don’t want to make too long of a post so I will do my best to make it quick and dirty. I’m sure I have missed a lot of stuff so please feel free to comment/criticize/disagree as I feel I can learn insight from you guys as well.

    Add Ons that I use:

    KTM (Simple threat monitoring add on)

    Big Wigs (Boss mechanics notifier)

    Modified Power Auras (possibly my favorite raiding add on. Allows me to accurately track buffs like slice and dice and battle shout.)

    Luna Unit Frames (A lot more info and cleaner look than standard unit frames)

    Classic Snowfall (Casts ability on key down instead of key up.)

    Energy watch (Simple customizable energy bar ticker)

    Raiding Specs:

    Sword Spec:

    Dagger Spec:


    Consumables I use:

    – Elixir of Mongoose
    – Juju Might/Winterfall firewater (They do not stack)
    – Juju Power
    – Desert Dumpling/Grilled Squid
    – Blasted lands buffs: Ground Scorpok Assay/ROIDS
    – Juju Flurry
    – Thistle Tea

    Non DPS consumables that I use:

    – Fire Protection Potion /Shadow Protection Potion/Arcane Protection Potion
    – Free action potion
    – Restorative potion
    – Stratholme Holy Water

    I am an alchemist and am more than happy to make any of these for you guys, just hit me up any time.

    My basic DPS rotation: (swords)

    This doesn’t apply to every fight but my general opener to a fight is to build 2 combo points (sinister strike x2) > slice and dice > Blade flurry > Blood Fury (Orc Racial) > Juju Flurry > Adrenaline Rush. From here I build 5x combo points and eviscerate. You should have enough time to get a 5 point eviscerate off while you still have the blood fury buff and build 1 to 2 combo points and reapply slice and dice before it falls off. From here it’s the meat and potatoes rotation of spamming sinister strike, not letting slice and dice fall off and eviscerating when you have 5 combo points and still have double digit time left on your slice and dice buff. Only use your Thistle Tea when you have 5 or less energy and try to avoid using it when you have 4 or 5 combo points as it can result in wasted combo points/energy.

    Also here is a caveat about adrenaline rush. Adrenaline Rush lasts for 15 seconds and gives you 40 energy per tick. Your energy ticks once every 2 seconds so you will get 7 or 8 ticks of 40 energy in a single Adrenaline Rush depending on when you use the ability. If you use Adrenaline Rush right after an energy tick you will only get 7 ticks of 40 energy. However, if you use Adrenaline Rush right before an energy tick you will get 8 ticks of 40 energy. This extra 20 energy could be the difference between squeezing in an extra sinister strike/backstab/eviscerate right before a boss dies. I use an energy ticking add on (listed above) to help me time my adrenaline rush. Sometimes I am shitty at explaining stuff like this so if this doesn’t make a lot of sense to you, then feel free to hit me up in game/TS so I can explain it a bit better.

    How I approach each boss fight:

    I am not going to go into detail about each boss fight as I don’t want to type a novel and you all know what you are doing for the most part. I am just going to hit the important things on a few fights. If you have any questions or want me to go into more detail on anything, hit me up on TS or in game.

    Molten Core:

    Lucifron: After you get slice and dice up, get your blade flurry and adrenaline rush going as soon as possible to maximize cleaving dps before the adds die. I generally pop a restorative potion about 5 seconds into the pull to avoid the nasty energy debuff during my cooldown phase.

    Gehennas: Same dps approach as Lucifron except you pop a free action potion right as the boss is pulled to avoid getting stunned in the nuts.

    Baron Geddon: Make sure to pop a fire protection potion before the fight. This boss is pretty straight forward. When Baron is doing his fire nova bullshit and all the melee have to run out, the fire protection potion allows you to stay in for 2-3 of the pulses so you can squeeze in some scumbag dps before you use sprint to run out. With our increasing dps and full 40 man raids, I have a feeling we are going to start to kill baron before he starts pulsing.

    Shazzrah: Right after Baron dies, I pop an Arcane Protection Potion. Your potions should be off cooldown by the time we pull Shazzrah. Pretty much a burn fight. You generally want to pop Restorative potion about 5 seconds into the fight to avoid the increased arcane dmg debuff. The arcane protection potion and restorative potion allow me to have more uptime on the boss without fear of being anally pounded to death from super buffed arcane explosion.

    Sulfuron: Nothing too crazy here. Cleave the adds + use adrenaline rush. When you are killing Sulfuron, pop a free action potion to become immune to his periodic knockback.

    Golemagg: When you pull out on Golemagg and are playing with your belly button while simultaneously waiting for you debuff to fall off, build 5 combo points on the core ragers so you have a full duration slice and dice going back into Golemagg. Remember to use a free action potion at 10% or 20% (I forget which) to avoid getting dick stomped by his nasty aoe knockdown.

    Majordomo: Don’t do less dmg than Michaelfox.

    Ragnaros: Don’t be a greedy. Getting hit by knockback is bad. Mmmmkay.

    Black Wing Lair: (Going to hold off on doing this until I feel like I do a better job of min/maxing these fights)

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